What are Chemical Peels and what do they do?

Many people often have an outdated view of chemical peels – and think that all professional chemical peel treatments cause redness, peeling skin, and flaking. But not all chemical peels are created equally: modern chemical peel formulas cause no redness, peeling, or downtime.

Keep reading to understand what a chemical peel actually is, what issues they can address, and why they work.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a professional technique where a chemically exfoliating solution is applied to the skin to improve appearance and texture visibly.

Traditionally there have been two different types of chemical peels: ablative chemical peel treatments and non-ablative chemical peel treatments.

Ablative peels are always performed in a doctor's office and have an intense recovery time that includes medication, ointments, and total sun avoidance for 3-6 months. Chemical peels often get a bad reputation because of these harsh, traditional ablative peels.

Traditional non-ablative peels do not penetrate as deeply as ablative peels; recovery is 1-7 days. While traditional non-ablative peels are less intense than ablative peels, they're still outdated. Both traditional ablative and non-ablative peels use a single acid at monster strength that will "peel" the skin and require many to want to go into hiding as their skin recovers from redness and peeling or shedding.

However, there is now a new traditional peel option.  Our omni-benefit Ultra-Detox Chemical Peel formulas will hydrate, detoxify, sedate, nourish, and exfoliate the skin with NO downtime.


Why do our chemical peels work?

Our elegant formulas combine multiple exfoliating acids, unlike traditional peels. Glycolic and lactic acid, combined with natural exfoliating fruit acids, target skin concerns at a microscopic level. The ingredients allow these peels to dissolve the dead epidermal cells, but because the particles are so small, the peel is controlled and has no negative side effects or downtime.

Along with the acids, these peels use willowherb and aloe to prevent redness or irritation. The activated coconut charcoal stimulates microcirculation, draws out impurities and pollution's heavy metals, and detoxifies the skin. Each formula is designed to be powerful, yet gentle.

Who should get a chemical peel treatment?

Modern peels are ideal for a multitude of skin issues, including:

  • Breakouts

  • Premature age signs – lines, wrinkles

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Post-acne dark spots (PIH)

  • Dehydration

  • Clogged pores (blackheads and whiteheads)

  • Enlarged pores

  • Milia

  • Dull skin

  • Smoker's skin

  • Rough texture

Philadelphia Chemical Peel services

Visit us for your next chemical peel! We are located in the heart of East Passyunk, Philadelphia.


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